
Timmerman wooden floor
Timmerman wooden floor

We recommend installing engineered parquet board in the rooms above and below the ground level. It can be used for the heat-insulated flooring.

Timmerman wooden floor
Timmerman wooden floor

We recommend installing solid parquet board in the rooms above the ground level. We don’t recommend using it for the heat-insulated flooring.


Timmerman wooden floor

Inaccordance with the construction regulations all”moist” works such as concrete placing, plasterwork, tiles laying and finishing shall be completed before parquet delivery (solid and engineered parquet board) to the installation place, and the construction site shall be thoroughly dried.

Timmerman wooden floor

Flooring storage and laying shall be carried out under best possible parameters of microclimate which were maintained indoors during a week before laying: air humidity of 45-60% andtemperature of+18 … 24 °C. We recommend buying a hygrometer (it measures humidity and temperature in the room).


Timmerman wooden floor

Parquet shall be acclimatized. Toachievethis,parquetpackagesshallbelocatedattheinstallationplace 2 days before the laying starts (parquet packagesshall be unpacked immediately prior tolaying). Base humidity before laying shall be 10%for wooden base, 2%for concrete baseSM method.

Timmerman wooden floor

Parquetand parquet board layingshall be performed by the qualified specialists in compliance with all norms and rules: integrity, robustness, humidity of the base, temperature, use of quality parquet adhesives according to the type of parquet or parquet board. It is allowed to use exclusively two-component polyurethane or silane glue recommended by the manufacturer for wooden floors gluing. The glue shall cover at least 70% of the parquet surface. DISPERSION ADHESIVES SHOULD NOT BE USED!

Timmerman wooden floor

Concrete bases shall be dry, clean, even and primed with suitable primers for parquet laying (maximum height difference is ± 2 mm for every 2 meters). Residual humidity of the concrete shall not exceed 2%. We recommend measuring it with a hygrometer and, if necessary, dry the floor with an air dehumidifier.

Remember that buyer and parquet installer are equally responsible for the end result. Be sure that you follow the above recommendations. Choose qualified specialists.

Each parquet block undergoes strict quality control before packing. The final quality acceptance is performed by the buyer and the parquet installer, who shall check each parquet blockprior to installation. Do not install parquet blocks with visible defects that cannot be cut. Each parquet block has natural variations of the shade, they differ from each other in structure. If you consider these parquet blocks as inconsistent with the general color and tone, then simply install them in the least visible place, corner, along the wall or use them for trimming at the end of the row. This will allow the floor in your room to look as uniform as possible.

Humidity Control

Parquet board is a natural product and has a natural ability to expand or contract depending on the changes in the ambient humidity. In winter, when houses are heated and the indoor air becomes dry, sometimes the humidity drops to 30% and below. Under such conditions parquet gives the moisture off excessively and, as a result, drying process can occur. Small gaps may appear between the slats. In spring, the dry indoor climate will change to humid and the cracks will close. This phenomenon is called seasonal change in size and is common to all species of wood. To eliminate this phenomenon, it is recommended to maintain a relative humidity of 45-55% for the solid parquet board throughout the year using special humidifiers and regular ventilation.

For the rooms with the large seasonal difference in humidity, we recommend the engineered parquet board. The multilayered design of the parquet board allows to keep the sizes of parquet blocks in the wider range of environmental humidity fluctuationof 40 -65%.

If there are any signs of moisture attack on the parquet (curvature of the board, excessive expansion, warping), try to eliminate the moisture sources as soon as possible. These can be awater pipe leakage, a terrace with accumulated water without a drainage system from the house or simply insufficient air exchange in the room. Usually, after removing the source of moisture, it takes some time for the moisture to evaporate from the parquet in natural way, and after that the distortion may become invisible.